B.Sc. 3rd Part Chemistry Honours Syllabus BRABU MUzaffarpur

B.Sc. 3rd Part Chemistry Honours Syllabus BRABU MUzaffarpur The Rock (1996)

B.Sc. 3rd Part Chemistry Honours Syllabus

BRABU MUzaffarpur

Physical Chemistry

Nine questions to be set. Five questions to be answered. Short answer type questions are recommended. There may be several parts in a question and different units may be mixed in questions. While setting questions the entire syllabus may be covered as far as practicable.

1. Electrochemistry: Galvanic cells, thermodynamics of Galvanic cells, chemical cells with and without transference, liquid junction potential, Glass electrode for the measurement of pH, Storage batteries, Lead accumulator, Polarisation, Hydrogen and Oxygen overvoltage, Decomposition voltage in aqueous solution, Electrical double layer, corroson of metals and its Prevention.
2. Wave Mechanics: Inadequacy of classical mechanics, Wave, quanta and motion of vibrating string, basic concept of quantum mechanics, postulates, eigen function and eigen value, physical properties of wave function, orthogonality and normalization of wave functions, Schrodinger wave equation and its importance, Treatment of free particale and particle in one, two and three dimensional boxes, rigid rotator - expression for energy rotational quantum number and degeneracy of states.
Elementary idea of H atom, radial and angular parts of wave functions R, O and p, concept of quantum numbers and their significance, radial distributior functions, radial factors, Rnt-r, R2nl-r and 4π r2R2m-r plots. Angular dependence of orbitals - shape of s, p, and d orbitals, concept of electronic spin.
3. Spectroscopy: Component of molecular energy and their quantization, different parts of electromagnetic radiation and their characterisation, energy level spacings and relative population among levels, types of molecular spectra, band width, band intensity and position of spectral bands. UV-visible spectra: Franck-Condon principle, selection rules, λ and e max values, Qualitative description of α, π and n molecular orbitals, transitions in H2. ethylene, butadiene, formaldehydes, α, ß, unsaturated carbonyl compounds. Red and blue shifts, calculation of λ max, Woodward rules.
Infrared spectra : Energy levels of simple harmonic oscillator, selection rules, Hooke's law and force constant, qualitative relationship between force constant, bond length, bond angle, bond order, bond energy, and stretching frequency of molecules, vibrational spectra of H2O, NO2 and CO2, concept of group frequency.
4. Magnetic Resonance Spectra: n.m.r. spectra, nuclear spin system, nuclear spin quantum number, nuclear spin angular momentum, nuclear magnetic moment, nuclear magneton, effect of magnetic field on system with nuclear spin, nuclear energy levels, magnetic quantum number for nuclear spin, energy level separation and resonance condition in a magnetic field n.m.r., Chemical shift, factor affecting chemical shift, shielding and deshielding mechanisms, nuclear spin-spin coupling, coupling constant and contributiing factors to it, first order rules.
ESR spectra: Electronic spin system, electronic spin quantum number, electron spin angular momentum, electron spin magnetic moment, Bohr magneton effect of magnetic field on electronic spin system, electron spin energy levels, magnetic quantum number for electronic spins tates, separation between energy levels caused by the presence of magnetic field, condition for electron spin resonance, selection rule, derivative curve, hyperfine coupling, hyperfine coupling constant, spectra of H2, CH3, CH2OH, N.O. C6H6.
5. Equilibrium Thermodynamics: Maxwell relations, thermodynamic equation of state, free energy change in a chemical reaction and equilibrium constant, thermodynamic derivation of law of mass action. de Donder's concept of chemical equilibria and reaction potential, pressure and temperature dependence of equilibrium constant, van't Hoff equation, Nernst heat theorem, third law of thermodynamics and its experimental verification, entropy and probability.
6. Theories of Rate Process: Derivation of Maxwell law of distribution of velocities of gaseous molecules. Average R.M.S. and most probable velocity, Collision theory of bimolecular reaction and its validity. Transition state theory-thermodynamic treatment activation parameters viz volume of activation, Free energy of activation and Entropy of activation. Steady state approximation and rate law for thermal decomposition of Ozone, N2O5 and non-photo chemical combinations of
H2 + Cl2 → 2HCI
H2 + Br2 → 2HBr
7. Photochemistry: Primary and secondary photochemical processes, laws of photochemistry, Jablonski diagram, radiative and non-radiative transitions, quantum efficiency and its variation.
Photochemical ractions:
H2 + Cl2 → 2HCI
H2 + Br2 → 2HBr
decomposition of HI, fluorescence and phosphorescence, photosensitization.

Inorganic Chemistry

Nine questions to be set. Five questions to be answered. Short answer type questions are recommended. There may be several parts in a question and different units may be mixed in questions. While setting questions the entire syllabus may be covered as far as possible.
1. Molecular orbital and valence Bond Methods: Principles of linear combination, criteria of maximum overlapping for effective combination, Energy and probability plots of bonding and anti-bonding molecular orbitals in H2+, energy versus internuclear separation in H2 both for attractive and repulsive states, non-bonding MO and three centre bonding, valence bond wave functions of H2 molecule, quantitative description of sp, sp2 and sp3 hybrid orbitals and inter orbital, comparison between V.B. and M.O. Methods.
2. Magnetic Properties: Diamagnetic, paramagnetic, ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic behaviour. Paramagnetic susceptibility and method of its determination, Variation of magnetic susceptibility with temperature, Curie and Neel temperature, Ground Term Symbols and Hund's rule, dependence of magnetic moment value on L.S. and J quantum numbers, spin only magnetic moment, quenching of orbital angular momentum, magnetic moment data in case of transition metal complexes.
3. Metal Ligand Bonding in transition Metal Complexes: V.B. model of M-L bonding and its limitations, crystal field model, d-orbital splitting in octahedral and tetrahedral environments, crystal field splitting parameter (10Dq) and factors affecting it, Crystal field stabilisation energy, magnetic properties and colour of complexes, variation of ionic radii of M2+ ions in 3d series. thermodynamic stability constants and factors affecting stability of complexes, chelate effect. entropy effect.
4. Nuclear Chemistry: Nuclear stability and binding, artificial radioactivity, position emission and β-decay process, Nuclear fission, Liquid drop model, nuclear chain reaction, moderator, nuclear fusion reactions, neutron activation analysis, isotope dilution methods, isotope effect and isotope exchange reactions.
5. Electronic Spectra of Transition Metal Complexes: Types of electronic transition, selection rules for electronic transition, spectrochemical series. Free ion ground terms and Orgel diagram for d1 to d9 systems in octahedral and tetrahedral fields, visible spectra of [Ti(H2O)6)]3+ ions.
6. Hard and Soft Acids and Bases: Classification of metals into A and B, acid-base behaviour of hard and soft acids and bases, classification, their acid-base strength, hardness-softness, symbosis, theory of hardness and softness, electronegativity and hardness and softness.
7. Inorganic Polymers: Classification of polymers, chemistry of inorganic ring and chain compounds containing boron, nitrogen, phosphorous and silicon atoms.
8. Methods of Analysis:
(a) Complexometric titration using EDTA, estimation of Mg2+ ion and Ca2+.
(b) Chromatographic technique : Principles of TLC and gas chromatography, determination of Rr values.
(c) Introduction of Colourimetry, coulometry and flame photometry.

Organic Chemistry

Nine questions to be set. Five questions to be answered. Short answer type questions are recommended. There may be several parts in a question and different units may be mixed in questions. While setting questions the entire syllabus may be covered as far as possible.
1. Reaction Mechanism: Methods of determination of reaction mechanism (product analysis, intermediates, use of isotopes, Cross over experiment, stereo-chemical studies).
Mechanism of nucleophilic substitution reactions at saturated carbon atom SN1, SN2, and SNi. Relative reactivities of alkyl halides, allyl, vinyl and aryl halides. α- and β- Bimination reaction. E1 and E2 mechanism and their regio and stereo selectivities. Electrophilic additions to carbon-carbon multiple bonds, Regio & stereo selectivities, Nucleophilic additions to carbon-oxygen double bond.
2. Reagents use in organic synthesis: Diazomethane, Lithium aluminium hydride, Sodium borohydride, Diborane, N-bromo succinimide, Raney Nickel, Aluminium isoproxide, Periodic acid, Lead tetraacetate, Lithium dialkylcuprate and Osmium tetroxide Discussion on specificity of the reagents & mechanism involved.
3. Organic Reactions and Molecular Rearrangements: (i) Mannich reaction (ii) Michael addition reaction (iii) Hofmann exhaustive Methylation and elimination (iv) Wagner- Meerwein rearrangement (v) Wolf- rearrangement (vi) Hofmann rearrangement (vii) Beckmann rearrangement (viii) Curtis rearrangement (ix) Schmidt rearrangement (x) Pinacol-Pinacolone rearrangement.
4. Polynuclear Hydrocarbons: Preparation, properties and structure determination of napthalene, anthracene and phenanthrene.
5. Heterocyclic compounds:
(a) Five membered heterocyclics : Preparation, properties and aromatic character of pyrrole, furan and thiophene (b) Six membered heterocyclics: Preparation, properties and aromatic character of pyridine (c) Condensed heterocyclics: Preparation and properties of quinoline and isoquinoline.
6. Dyes: Classification, correlation of colour with constitution. Chemistry of the following dyes: methyl orange, Congo-red, Malachite green, Crystal violet, Phenolphthalein, Fluorescein, Alizarin and Indigo.
7. Ureides: Purines, Isolation, structure and synthesis of Uric acid.
8. (a) Amino Acids and Proteins:
(i) Classification structure and stereo chemistry of amino acids, Acid-base behaviour, isoelectric point and electro-phoresis, preparation and reactions of α -amino acids.
(ii) Peptide linkage Basic idea about primary and secondary structure of proteins.
(b) Nucleic Acids: (i) Brief knowledge of purine and pyridine bases.
(ii) D-Ribose and de-ribose (iii) Constitution of nucleic acid and basic idea of double helix structure of DNA.


The following exercises are to be performed:
Physical (1 to 7)
1. To determine the specific reaction rate of hydrolysis of methyl acetate catalized by H+ lon at room temperature.
2. To compare strength of HCI and H2SO4 by studying the kinetics of hydrolysis of ethyl acetate.
3 To determine the distribution coefficient of iodine between water & CCl4.
4. To determine the surface tension of a liquid.
5. To determine the heat of neutralization of NaOH with HCI.
6. To determine enthalpy of neutralization of acetic acid using NaOH
solution and determine enthalpy of ionization.
7. To determine the viscosity of a liquid.
Synthesis of organic compounds:
(i) Acetylation of salicylic acid
(ii) Benzoylation of aniline
(iii) Nitration of monobenzene to m-dinitrobenzene.
(iv) Selective reduction form-dinitrobenzene to m-nitroaniline
Distribution :
One experiment from physical
One experiment from organic out of exercise in item 8
Note Book
