Are all γ-emitters are suitable for Mössbauer study?

Are all γ-emitters are suitable for Mössbauer study?
Chemistry Question Answer
Chemistry Question Answer

Are all γ-emitters are suitable for Mössbauer study?

No, all the γ-emitters are not suitable for Mössbauer study. The nuclides should possess the following characteristics.
1. The energy of γ-radiation should be in the range of 10-200 keV.
2. Half-life of the parent nuclide generating the γ-emitter nuclide should be of the order of a year so that the same source with reasonably constant activity may be made available for a series of experiments.
3. The γ-emission half-life of the excited source should be within the limits 10-6 s > Γ > to 10-10 s.
4. The conversion coefficient should be as low as possible so that most decays are via γ-emission.
5. The absorber nuclide should be present in high isotopic abundance. Samples enriched in the relevant isotopes are sometimes used in those cases where greater sensitivity needed.
Examples: 57Fe, 119Sn, 121Sb, 129I.
