Calculate the Zero Point Energy of Electron

Suppose an electron is confined in a cube of length L. Calculate the zero point energy of an electron. Discuss the situation when a. walls are removed and b. one of the wall is elongated

Calculate the Zero Point Energy of Electron

Suppose an electron is confined in a cube of length L. Calculate the zero point energy of an electron. Discuss the situation when
a. walls are removed and
b. one of the wall is elongated

We know that the total energy of an electron in a cubical box of side length 'L' is-
E = Ex + Ey + Ez = [h2 / 8mL2](n2x + n2y + n2z) -----Equation-1
Although the zero value of nx, ny or nz is possible, but not acceptable because the ψ function then becomes zero but an electron is assumed to be already present inside the box. Therefore, the lowest kinetic energy permissible to electron in a cubical box is one with nx = ny = nz = 1. This lowest kinetic energy is called zero point energy, which is given as-
Ezero = 3h2 / 8mL2
It shows that the electron inside the box is not at rest even at 0°K. Therefore the position of the electron cannot be precisely known. Since only the mean value of kinetic energy is known, the momentum of electron is also not precisely known. The occurrence of zero point energy is therefore in accordance with Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.

A. When Walls are Removed
The energy of an electron confined between two infinitely large walls. of a distance 'L' along x-axis and supposed to have zero potentia energy is given by-
Ex = n2x h2 / 8mL2
where nx is a quantum number which can only be positive integer excluding zero. Therefore, a bound electron has only quantised energy levels with values Ex1, Ex2 and Ex3... with nx = 1, 2, 3 ... respectively i.e. the energy of a bound electron is not continuous, rather discrete or quantised. If the walls of the box are removed and an electron is free to move without any restriction in a field whose potential energy may be assumed to be zero then Schrödinger equation and its solution are given by-
δ2X/δX2 + K2xX = 0
where K2x = [8π2m/h2] Ex

A = A cos kx X + B sin kx X
The arbitrary constant A, B and k2x can now have any value one chooses to given them.
Ex = k2x h2 / 8π2m
The energy is therefore not quantised in this case. A free electron has a continuous energy spectrum. It can have any value of energy what so every possible. This quantitatively explains the occurrence of continuum in the atomic or molecular spectra on ionisation because electron lost by an atom or molecule is a free electron which can move without any restriction.

B. One of the Wall is Elongated
The occurrence of the three quantum number (nx, ny and nz) in the energy expression of an electron in equation (1) enclosed in a cube shows that each state is characterised by three quantum numbers and several states of identical energy are possible e.g. there are three different states having quantum number (2, 1, 1), (1, 2, 1) and (1, 1, 2) for (nx, ny and nz) each with the same energy 6h2 / 8mL2. Such a level is said to be the three fold degenerate or triply degenerate. The wave function of these three triply degenerate states are different.
Let one of the walls of the cube are elongated along x-axis by dL i.e. the cube is distorted slightly. For the state (2, 1, 1) the energy of electron in the undistorted cube-
E = Ex + Ey + Ez
Calculate the Zero Point Energy of Electron when One of the Wall is Elongated

The new energy on distribution along x-axis is given by-
E + dE = Ex + dEx + Ey + Ez
Calculate the Zero Point Energy of Electron when One of the Wall is Elongated
Whereas the new energy for other states i.e. (1,2,1) and (1,1,2) is given by-
Calculate the Zero Point Energy of Electron when One of the Wall is Elongated
Thus, the initial three fold degnerate levels are split on distortion of the cube into a non-degenerate level and doubly degenerate levels.That electron degeneracy is either reduced or removed on slight distortion of the system is a common phenomenon (John-Teller Distortion).

NOTE: Very Important Question for B.Sc. and M.Sc. Exams.
